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I need to set up an OSM Tile Server for my organization for the entire planet data. Can anyone guide me on the ideal hardware configuration required and also the time that would take up for a full planet load? Also are there any specific PostgreSQL DB configuration tweaks that need to be done in order to improve the tile server performance?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Thanks, Christopher

asked 06 Nov '20, 11:54

jchrisprabu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Get a machine with about 1.5 TB of fast NVMe storage and then about ~300 GB extra storage for operating system and tile cache, which may or may not be on the NVMe as well. Depending on your budget and what provider you're using, you could choose a setup with 2x1TB NVMe arranged in an LVM stripe or RAID0 and put the database one that, and then choose standard disks for OS and tile cache. Get 64 GB of RAM and at least 4 CPU cores. With a setup like that, initial import should take between 12 and 24 hours.

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answered 06 Nov '20, 12:09

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you Frederik. Is there any specific postgressql configuration that needs to be tweaked to make it import within this time range? Also the osm2pgsql tool needs to be run as flatnodes or slim mode? Any specific cache configuration that needs to be specified while running this tool.

(06 Nov '20, 12:43) jchrisprabu

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question asked: 06 Nov '20, 11:54

question was seen: 743 times

last updated: 06 Nov '20, 12:43

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