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Hi I'm new here and I can't get OSM running on my Garmin. have followed steps from many YouTube channels. Is there a possibility of erasing everything on the garmin and starting fresh ?

Please help


asked 04 Nov '20, 19:46

nevi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, I would advise not to erase any of the Garmin supplied files. If your device can use a sd card, that would be the best place for Garmin suitable osm maps. Here is a detailed guide that is likely to be suitable for your gps and should get you up and running
Here are osm maps for download
Note that the site described by dcrainmaker and provided by Lambertus is not operational and that is unlikely to change, so you will need to use another provider. Currently the predefined country maps may be ok I think but are out of date (June 2020).
The procedure to install the maps is similar on all the sites but they have different web site detail, and there is help available on all the sites I think.
I have found the bbbike site maps work fine for me and updates the osm data about weekly.
Most of the other map providers sites are equally suitable.

permanent link

answered 05 Nov '20, 03:33

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 05 Nov '20, 23:37

Hi Thank you for the help it didn't work. Somehow the sd card is not being read by the garmin nuvi 860t. I have tried it on 2 new sd cards after sometime it even doesn't show up on the computer unless you eject and reinsert it. to add to this now while trying to reformat the sd card , by mistake formatted the garmin device. it now doesn't show anything at all. is there any possibility to restore it with the baseman and then just install the os map ?

(05 Nov '20, 14:34) nevi

Mmmm..... formatting the Garmin drive was unfortunate...probably best to give Garmin a call about that.
Sd card does need specific format... fat32?
The Garmin Nuvi 860t is from a few years ago and the file name may need to be gmapsupp.img You could put your .img file on a thumb drive in a garmin folder and then use Basecamp to transfer the file to the sd card on your gps. If Basecamp reads it ok it should be fine for your gps.

(05 Nov '20, 15:52) nevw
You may be able to reset the gps or update it though I expect a format stifles that. You will need to choose the map in ‘changing the map settings’ and the ‘map info’ setting.

(05 Nov '20, 17:27) nevw

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question asked: 04 Nov '20, 19:46

question was seen: 1,471 times

last updated: 06 Nov '20, 06:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum