I have a Garmin DriveSmart 55 satnav device, which has the function to record GPX data. Unfortunately it seems that the data you get out of this is subsampled (straight-ish sections get sample points removed) and snapped to the (proprietary) map. Of course, for OSM usage we'd want a high-quality raw trace (one sample point per second, not matched to the map). Is there a way to get such raw GPX data? |
Hi Willem1 This interests me too so I posted a query on the following site. http://forums.gpsreview.net/discussion/comment/210494#Comment_210494 The way the gpx tracks are recorded may depend on the model. I would have a look at the settings in the unit as you may be able to choose how the gpx tracks are recorded. I am unsure if you can use mkgmap made maps like the following on the new models.
If you load a Garmin suitable osm map and de-select the Garmin supplied map, you may find it behaves differently. Thanks for your post. I will be need to check when I decide to buy. |
I often look for device instructions, as a pdf, that i am thinking of buying. I can then get a better idea if the device will work in the way i expect. I can also save that pdf to a smart phone or other portable device for reference while outside. Although i have downloaded GPXes from my Garmin Sat Nav in the past I can't see a setting that changes how often points are recorded, On other Garmins devices such as Oregons it is simple to change recording points at set times or distances. Maybe pedestrian or Cycle mode on your device can be set to off road and may or may not record more or less often. Inspecting a trace's time stamps with GPS Prune or a text editor, would show the time of each point to check if the setting as made any effect. https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/drivesmart55-65/EN-US/DriveSmart_55-65_OM_EN-US.pdf |