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I map mostly rural areas and there I quite often come across gravel yards that really don't have any specific use. They may be remains from road building 40 years ago, maybe an old industrial area with no buildings left, or maybe something related to forestry, it's hard to really know. When it's an abandoned gravel pit that was used when building a road I tag them as quarry. But when there's these anonymous gravel yards that noone really knows what they were used for and now they're just there, I don't know how to tag them. Quarry seems misleading, and it's not really a car park although it can be used as such.

Here's one example of these old gravel yards:

asked 31 Oct '20, 10:45

torger's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

These gravel quarries are common in Alaska. I merely tag them landuse=quarry, resource=gravel and if it's obviously not being used anymore, abandoned=yes. However, many of those "gravel pits", as we commonly refer to them, offer useful off-road parking and many even use them for camping. If I know there are no access issues, I'll add the amnity=parking tag even though it's not an official designation.

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answered 31 Oct '20, 11:54

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

In Cambridgeshire GB there are lots of lakes along the Great Ouse river valley almost all will have been gravel pits (local name) 20 miles to the north on the River Nene in the Peterborough area some of the lakes will have been clay pits used for brick making. Because most are down at river level they fill with water, and stay flooded, even though annual rainfall is lees than half a metre.

(31 Oct '20, 13:08) andy mackey

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question asked: 31 Oct '20, 10:45

question was seen: 1,657 times

last updated: 31 Oct '20, 13:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum