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I recently noticed has had a big update, particularly for the UK. There are far fewer gaps in the land classifications. I have previously use the gis_osm_landuse_a_free_1 files from the geofabrik downloads which I assumed were the same. However, I downloaded 'Wales' this morning and it is still very patchy.

Are these datasets linked and if not does anyone know if it is possible to get the data as a spatial features file?

Many thanks in advance

asked 30 Oct '20, 09:25

Blaiseo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to the the Info & Contact on that page, since 2020 land use tags have been "predicted" when absent - maybe that explains the change you are seeing and the difference compared to geofabrik (which presumably contains only the actual OpenStreetMap landuse data).

permanent link

answered 30 Oct '20, 18:01

alan_gr's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 30 Oct '20, 09:25

question was seen: 1,053 times

last updated: 30 Oct '20, 18:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum