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I've found out I have an old account in OpenStreetMap which I've done nothing with since I registered some three years ago as it turns out. I've completely forgotten I had it.

Now I wanted to sign in using my Google account, but wasn't able to. Once I've logged in to it "classically" (i.e. by using e-mail address and password), I tried to associate a Google account with it. When I changed the "External Authentication" setting from None to Google and clicked on "Save Changes", the button stayed grey without any message. Is there a way for me to do it successfully? Should I contact someone at some specific e-mail address about it?

If I cannot change it ("by design" or by some unresolvable flaw), I guess I'd need to have my account deleted so that I can start anew. Then I'd register with my Google account with the same e-mail address as before. I've read that I can "send an email to the support address" (the address being The Wiki page says that "an administrator will disable my account and remove my details from the OpenStreetMap database." Yet, it also says that "my email address will usually be retained in the event that an OpenStreetMap administrator needs to contact me in the future." If my e-mail address doesn't get removed as well, I'm sure I won't be able to register with it anew. And then this exercise would be pointless to me. Will they remove that info from database as well if I ask them to?

Thanks in advance for anyone's (constructive) contribution.

asked 29 Oct '20, 11:16

IgorAndjelic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Oct '20, 12:35

Update: One important thing I've failed to mention is that I'm using Google Chrome. I was in contact with the OSM support and the suggestion was to enable the site to redirect which I've heeded, but proved not to fix the issue. After turning on the Developer Tools, it showed that the page action violates the "form-action 'self'" CSP directive. When I switched to Edge (Legacy), it worked without complaining. So, either I'm alone with this issue because of some of the existing account settings specific to me or the page stopped being in line with the latest Chrome policy.

(29 Oct '20, 21:05) IgorAndjelic

Update 2: The support technician reported that the issue was recognised and is now fixed. I've logged in "the native way", saw that the setting was "Google" (since I've managed to change it using Edge earlier), re-set it to "None", saved it and then changed it back to "Google" again. This time I could successfully save it (using Chrome). So, I've confirmed the fix. Of course, I've tested the log-in process by using my Google account which now works as expected. Good work by OSM support team.

(29 Oct '20, 23:20) IgorAndjelic

If you've done nothing with an account it will be completely removed just as stated in OSMF privacy policy.

In any case you should ask support if they can fix access to the account for you, which they might be able to do if you can show ownership of the e-mail account.

permanent link

answered 29 Oct '20, 11:25

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Will try the "fixing method" first, thanks. Not quite sure how one can prove the ownership of the e-mail account, but I hope their instructions to be precise. If that turns out to be impossible, I'll ask them to remove my e-mail address from the OSM DB as well when removing the account. If that turns out to be impossible as well (because of some policy), then I'll be disappointed (but still alive and unscratched :-)).

(29 Oct '20, 11:36) IgorAndjelic

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question asked: 29 Oct '20, 11:16

question was seen: 1,312 times

last updated: 29 Oct '20, 23:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum