Should fraternities and sororities as part of the collegiate life be identified by their symbols or their spelled out transliteration or both? Example, if the greek house was Delta Delta Delta should we have name=Delta Delta Delta or name=ΔΔΔ or should there be a name:gr=ΔΔΔ despite these have absolutely nothing to do with Greece or the Greek language other than sharing symbols? Also coupled with the fact that many of them do print their Greek symbols on their buildings... It seems sort of inconsistent at the moment, I see UTF occasionally along with the spelled out names. |
I definitely discard the option of using name:gr=ΔΔΔ, because only will be seen if your default language is greek. My recommendation is to use:
Optional tags:
met. The page most of those tags are from seems rather odd in some ways. In particular spelling colour in French and eschewing a widely used tag for abbreviations (
(28 Oct '20, 07:57)
That wiki page is more coined to fraternities of central European / German tradition. Couleur is not just the colours but the identifying set of colours. I agree on the
(28 Oct '20, 10:14)
Okay yes seems like we definitely should not use name:gr=ΔΔΔ. Just confusing because most likely fraternity/sorority buildings will most likely have the symbols written upon them as it's quite a bit cheaper and smaller to print the greek symbols than spelling it out - but if searching for one, most likely one would spell it out! BTW this will be a pain if we have to actually write different tags depending on whether it's a fraternity or sorority, or should all be marked as fraternity even if it's a sorority?
(28 Oct '20, 15:49)
The tagging for these features doesn't currently seem very "settled" to me, which means this is more a tagging mailing list question than a help site question. In the mean time use your best judgement, but make sure whatever tags you use are documented on the wiki somewhere, even if that means adding a note yourself. That way if we do get an established scheme someone can update the tags at a later date.
(31 Oct '20, 11:54)
What do the signs normally say?
If you do decide to 'expand them' it is probably a good idea to add the 'concise' version as
too for
doesn't seem suitable.Thanks I ruled out name:gr, now it's clear that's completely incorrect. BTW yeah I should have written USA, and I'm not familiar if this is applicable to other countries.
Question remains where the greek symbols should be placed - currently I do see some OSM data with name=symbols rather than transliteration, and it's definitely not consistent. I think I like short_name=xxx more than :abbreviation as it seems then I'd have to carefully check whether a house is a fraternity or sorority.