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I try to use this to create polygons for multiple cities, but I run into an issue of some cities having errors when I try to create polygons. For example, 537353788 does not work and it gives me the following error:

Any idea how to correct/who to contact?

asked 27 Oct '20, 15:08

NelaM99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How did you arrive at the number 537353788?

(27 Oct '20, 15:13) Frederik Ramm ♦

Are you talking about Абай? Its geometry is already defined as a polygon ("closed way" in OSM terms). The page you are referring to is used to convert OSM relations (including multipolygons) into polygons.

(27 Oct '20, 15:30) TZorn

Yes, it is Abay. The number is the Place ID number that I get at the bottom of this page:

(27 Oct '20, 15:41) NelaM99

The link you gave does not show the ID 537353788 for me. If you have a Nominatim query for this village, try adding &polygon_geojson=1 to the Nominatim request to download it in GeoJSON form. Else, you could potentially use Overpass Turbo to export a single OSM object as GeoJSON. If you are exporting many such boundaries, save yourself the hassle and load OSM data into a PostGIS database with osm2pgsql and then export stuff from there.

(27 Oct '20, 15:49) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 27 Oct '20, 15:08

question was seen: 667 times

last updated: 28 Oct '20, 09:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum