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Hi there, sometimes when I'm mapping roads on OSM (HOTOSM) I can see the imagery (background) I can draw and classify the road, but then suddenly it becomes clear that I've created a duplicate road and I must then delete my new road segment.

How can I avoid this? Is there a way to force roads and other map elements to load in the IDeditor so that I'm not tempted to recreate elements that already exist? I've tried; - searching "road" (no results) - clicking everywhere. (no success) - drawing a fake road perpendicular to try to force overlapping map elements to load (no success)

Thanks for your help. Greg.

asked 26 Oct '20, 02:28

gmckone's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Is it possible that that you are editing the same area and at the same time as someone else so your edits clash. It has only happened to me once, while mapping locally. I was using potlach2 so it less likely than with JOSM, i would think. Can you see when they did their edit. I assume it is more of a problem with HOT as more mappers are drawn to an area.

(26 Oct '20, 13:40) andy mackey

it is possible, while the tasks were being locked, I expect people could have been editing features that connected to the area (road network). I understand JOSM is more suited to experienced mappers. I'll read more about JOSM Thanks.

(27 Oct '20, 00:08) gmckone

If you are not seeing any existing data at all, maybe you have OpenStreetMap Data turned off in the Data Layers, under Map Data in the right hand side menu. (You may also be able to toggle this on and off using Alt+W).

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answered 26 Oct '20, 08:43

alan_gr's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you I will watch for this in the future!

(27 Oct '20, 00:07) gmckone

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question asked: 26 Oct '20, 02:28

question was seen: 1,402 times

last updated: 27 Oct '20, 00:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum