Here is, been adding tens of roundabouts and hundreds of traffic_islands to those roundabouts that have been popping up every street corner you look, big, small, pear shaped, peanut shaped with 1, the central island body and 2, the temporary separations of two directions off and onto the roundabout, either that solely or as a crossing island. Faithfully been tagging them, sample
So far fine, never a warning upon saving, BUT, my issues list has those hundreds of "untagged area object". Does not matter where I look, can't find what that/those supposed missing tag(s) is/are. Anyone knows the definitive answer? TIA Marked resolved: The key was to change area=yes to area:highway=traffic_calming or traffic_island depending on applicability which opened = answers such as painted_island which many are, flush with the road. So far over 150 'corrected' and none have returned in the OSMI issue list. |
Hi. It's not really clear, but the traffic_calming key is meant to be used on highway= nodes and ways. Not on its own. I've seen such areas tagged as landuse=grass or something like that. Hope this helps. Regards. Thx for the reply. Where it's been possible I've been falsely tagging them as landuse=grass, forest, garden, biotope, flowerbed etc plus raised=yes (the tag I'll retro add to the OP). Then being admonished that area=yes is not required with landuse, in the issue report, which is too late, so been removing those whenever landuse was possible to be put in play. Many of these traffic separators are just stripe painted areas on asphalt (and hefty fines if you cross them with intend), so then it becomes raised=no as well. Your wiki i've had bookmarked since I started mapping a few months ago (the account was dormant 6 years, whence doing a single path). It's almost like they want you to just draw a line, but in real life they're not, many are works of art in fact, painting wise/curbing, planting, whatnot to fill in the areas. Some stretch many tens of meters if not more, using curb/kerb/guard_rail when just 10-30 cm width. Open to creative ideas solving the issue. Just a node does not translate for me, a lantern post on a sidewalk is a node, a traffic sign is a node, that I can visualize, a 10 meter long in places 3-4-6 meters wide, raised insert between traffic lanes does not.
(25 Oct '20, 15:21)
Came across this wiki which mentions the area:highway=traffic_island key which seems to fill the [big] problem at hand. Tried it on 1 roundabout and wait see if this remains silent on the issues list. If so, got a job at hand changing the hundreds TI's. At any rate area:highway has been used 166,000 times so there's hope. To complete the set of keys/tags
or alternate
You could also potentially use barrier=kerb (although this will conflict with area=yes)
(02 Nov '20, 13:35)
SK53 ♦
I'm a bit confused as to what you were trying to achieve in the example you provided. Let me describe in my words what you have mapped there: In the center you have a circular patch of grass. Around that is a circular strip of scrub growing white paving stones. Only that latter strip is a traffic island the inner grass patch is not. I'm scratching my head a bit trying to imagine how scrub could be white and covered with paving stones but I guess you might have had something different in mind. OpenStreetCam got a picture by the way. Personally, I wouldn't bother at all putting so much detail in the map but of course you are free to do so. Still, in my view the center of a roundabout is not a traffic calming island as defined in the OSM wiki. Such island is a separator between lanes while the center of a roundabout is just the center of one lane. The very use of For lack of alternate = options, used scrub, which should have stayed with the inner ring, which is white, so i'll fix that. The case is solved for me at this time so the thread can be closed.
(02 Nov '20, 16:26)