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for the public transport we use the beautiful openstreetmap router to calculate walk between some point in the city.

I' have a little problem for a simple path which go around some place instead of just cross it. I cannot understand how to correct this.

Here is the snapshot of the path.

and the map link :

asked 21 Oct '20, 14:17

S%C3%A9bastien's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What would you expect to happen? You start the route in the road tunnel of Rue Carl Hack. So you first have to get out of the tunnel and then head back to the platform.

I guess you did not specify the starting point correctly. Instead of on the middle platform you start on Rue Carl Hack.

Those "T" markers on your map don't appear in OSM. I suspect you use some external data and they are not aligned with the OSM data correctly.

permanent link

answered 21 Oct '20, 15:54

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


first thanks for your response. There is no road tunnel near. Do you mean this "tunnel" ?

It's a bike tunnel juste near the Canal. But the "T" are on the top of the place, not in the tunnel. Maybe I will try to move it near the path.

I will try. Thanks.

(21 Oct '20, 17:06) Sébastien

I mean the Rue Carl Hack tunnel. You can see in the image you posted that the route follows that road.

(21 Oct '20, 17:21) TZorn

On a side note: There is probably a bug in the map. I doubt the Southwest corner of Parvis Adrien Zeller connects to Rue Carl Hack. In the aerial it looks like the road is still subterranean there.

(21 Oct '20, 17:26) TZorn

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question asked: 21 Oct '20, 14:17

question was seen: 1,281 times

last updated: 21 Oct '20, 17:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum