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dear all, I do need your help with a curious problem, my favourites are visible, their titles/descriptions are not

have been using osmand for some time and added favourites (details) and photos could always be accessed by a long tap. with clustered favourites you would be offered a list of favourites in the vicinity and could choose which to (re)view/edit

I opened osmand yesterday for the first time in a month maybe and I cannot access any of my favourites, cannot view the title/description of any of the symbols, nor view photos

when exporting favourites of one folder/category their names display in the email as inline text, but I need to edit the names/numbers and descriptions within osmand as was possible up til now.

I have 150 odd favourites in one group/category alone that are numbered chronologically and that make up sort of a parcours

cannot figure what setting I may have accidentally messed up or what else might have caused this. I can only display points of a group by adding a new favourite, chosing the folder/category but I lose the ability to edit/view the new point as soon as I finish adding it. Titles/descriptions of existing points can only be viewed after adding a new point to the category but this is useless, highly confusing and no workaround at all.

hope I have explained my problem comprehensibly

I am seriously non-plussed and hope someone can help

also seem to have trouble posting this request for help, sorry for the bother, this is the proper version of my question

asked 16 Oct '20, 12:48

trigby's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Oct '20, 13:45

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦

It you tap on the favourite in the list that should take you to a map view of that favourite with an edit favourite button on a panel at the bottom of the screen.

At least that's what seems to work for me on OsmAnd+ 3.8.3 for Android.

permanent link

answered 16 Oct '20, 23:29

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 16 Oct '20, 12:48

question was seen: 2,060 times

last updated: 16 Oct '20, 23:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum