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Hi guys, In India our government provide some very useful mapping system known as "Bhuvan". It's so hight quality and provide 3D high quality satellite data. It's free and available for everyone. But we are little concern about OSM policies. Can anyone tell us that can it be possible to use government data to edit OSM.?

Here is the Government official website..

link text

asked 12 Oct '20, 19:02

Rick198's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Oct '20, 19:05

When you look at the terms on that site you will find they explicitly forbid usage in any other way than viewing. Thus you must not use the data for OSM without prior permission from the mentioned authorities.

Bhuvan Terms of Service

By downloading, installing, accessing or using the Bhuvan plug-in/website or using the Bhuvan service or accessing or using any of the content available within the Bhuvan website, you agree to be bound by the following Terms of service:

  • Use of the products DOS/ISRO/NRSC grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access the Bhuvan geo portal and service, to download and use the Bhuvan plug-in and service, and to access the Content
  • Restrictions on Use - Unless you have received prior written authorization from DOS/ISRO/NRSC (or, as applicable, from the provider of particular content), you must not:
  • Access or use the website or any content through any technology or means other than those provided by the Bhuvan portal
  • Copy, translate, modify, or make derivative works of the content or any part thereof
  • Redistribute, sublicense, rent, publish, sell, assign, lease, market, transfer, or otherwise make the content available to third parties
  • Reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the service or any part thereof, unless this is expressly permitted
  • Use the website in a manner that gives you or any other person access to mass downloads or bulk feeds of any content, including but not limited to numerical latitude or longitude coordinates, imagery, and visible map data
  • Delete, obscure, or in any manner alter any warning, notice (including but not limited to any copyright or other proprietary rights notice), or link that appears in the website or the content
  • Use the service or content with any products, systems, or applications for, or in connection with (i) real time navigation or route guidance, including but not limited to turn-by-turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user's sensor-enabled device or (ii) any systems or functions for automatic or autonomous control of vehicle behavior.

Content in the Bhuvan Website Bhuvan website allows you to access and view a variety of content, including but not limited to IRS imagery, map and terrain data, geospatial vector information like administrative boundaries, soils, census data and other related information provided by Bhuvan, its licensors, and its users (the "Content").

You understand and agree to the following:

  • Image data and map data, and related content are provided for viewing purposes only. You should exercise judgment in your use of this content.
  • By using the website, you do not receive any, and DOS/ISRO/NRSC and/or its licensors and users retain all ownership rights in the content. You may not use, access or allow others to use or access the content in any manner not permitted under this Terms of service, unless you have been specifically permitted to do so by DOS/ISRO/NRSC or by the owner of that content, in a separate agreement.
  • Certain content is provided from other department/organisation, including but not limited to Survey of India (SOI), NBSS & LUB, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, SRTM and is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to such third parties. You may be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this content.

Before you continue, you should read this 'Terms of Service' as they form a binding agreement between you and DOS/ISRO/NRSC regarding your use of the website and its services.

permanent link

answered 12 Oct '20, 19:29

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 12 Oct '20, 19:02

question was seen: 1,600 times

last updated: 12 Oct '20, 19:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum