Two of my students have not received their confirmation email for Missing Maps. Please advise?
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Two of my students have not received their confirmation email for Missing Maps. Please advise?
This question is marked "community wiki".
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question asked: 12 Oct '20, 11:07
question was seen: 1,158 times
last updated: 21 Oct '20, 07:30
NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Contact Missing Maps about it?
This is a general help site for all things OpenStreetMap. If you have a problem with a particular website or service it's always better to contact that site or service directly. Someone may happen to see a question here, but there is no guarantee.
@someoneelse, it is signing up to use OpenStreetMap, not Missing maps. Is there an administration centre that I can contact for Open Street Map?
This will be the problem with the mail. Please also check the options in Gmail... given below.. Spam Promotion Social