In Excel VBA and using the Google Maps API I can insert a Google Map into a square shape in my workbook using the “Sheet1.Shapes("DisplayMap").Fill.UserPicture” function. I’d like to do the same using OSM but I cannot seem to find any examples where anyone has done something similar. I’d like to know where I can find information about the options I can use un the URL to manage the size of the returned map, the zoom level and whether to display or hide and points of interest. If there are also any stylizing options regarding the colors used for modeling roads, parks, etc. I’d like to know how to control that too. This is what the Google Maps API URL would look like. What would a similarly capable OSM URL look like? GoogleURL = “,0&markers=|Champ+de+Mars+5+Avenue+Paris+France|&zoom=15&size=1280x1280& style=feature:poi|visibility:off&MapType=Satellite&scale=4&key=API_KEY” |
I think a screen snip/grab should work
or maybe cut and paste. I don't have Excel any longer so can't be sure.