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I have JOSM working and remote control enabled. It works fine with OSM pages but JOSM remote settings does not show the HTTPS option which keepright needs:

Remote Settings Available

Am I looking in the wrong place?

Note: the solution suggested at (right click on the JOSM link in keepright) does not work, because I have no JOSM link there.

JOSM is running in Windows 10 64 bit and keepright is running in firefox.

asked 09 Oct '20, 11:40

harg's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 09 Oct '20, 11:42

Some time ago I opened a GitHub issue abut this problem, and the maintaier changed the https: to http:. In fact, If i select a random issue i get an http: link (example). Can you provide an area where you found the https: link?

(09 Oct '20, 12:57) Mannivu

Just noticed that the Keyboard Shortcuts icon doesn't localise for QwERTY vs QWERTZ. Horror of Horrors!

(09 Oct '20, 20:41) InsertUser

I'm fairly sure that the option is no longer needed as all major browsers now allow non-https connections to localhost, with other words this is a keepright issue that you should report there.

permanent link

answered 09 Oct '20, 12:46

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 09 Oct '20, 13:32

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question asked: 09 Oct '20, 11:40

question was seen: 1,246 times

last updated: 09 Oct '20, 20:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum