Hi, I'm new on forum; I used OSM-Downloader plugin for QGIS and for one area and I got OSM file that weighed 33.6 Mb. After I read it in Notepad, second string was: <osm version="0.6" generator="Overpass API b85c4387"> Current version API for http://overpass-turbo.eu = "Overpass API 474850e8" as written in OSM file and weight is only 1.48 Mb for same area. I am confused how it happened?! I affraid that lost some data - and my question - how I can download full data for needing region if it perhaps? P.S. I forgot wrote that want use it in code of plagin that "build" geometry in BIM-software in 3D and a good thing if downloading OSM will not complicate the code (QGIS's OSM is best variant but I wanted get OSM from Internet as request with Overpass API and get full OSM for needing region) |
Are you sure the queries were the same for both?
Hmmmm, after your comment I checked again contains of file from QGIS and find there a lot of OSM-elements that placing no in my boarders inspite of the fact that I pointed out needing area. Consequently, I can use OSM file from Overpass-turbo browser and it will contains were full from needing area?