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I'm new here. I came from Strava because a route I created there misled me, as the trail does not exist. How might this get fixed?

Thank you.

asked 06 Oct '20, 05:23

jpmontana's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You @jpmontana may want to recall what does it look like. Could be a abandoned:highway=* that you could change the highway=* to (gone now), or some other possibility.

(06 Oct '20, 15:18) Kovoschiz

Simply create an account, log in, and delete the offending bit of the trail with the online editor. Please add a clear comment on why you deleted the trail. is a reasonably OK resource if you want to read up on things first.

permanent link

answered 06 Oct '20, 08:57

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


Just make sure that when you delete a way that you only remove the missing section. Otherwise you need to split the way in the editor first.

(06 Oct '20, 10:31) TZorn

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question asked: 06 Oct '20, 05:23

question was seen: 1,406 times

last updated: 06 Oct '20, 15:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum