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Hi all,

I took many hours of work to map historic (but abandoned) railroad tracks. I just found out that several of the tracks have been deleted at some time. Is there any way to restore my work?


asked 05 Oct '20, 15:12

ulrichg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks a lot for the answers

Well, it's already some years ago that I mapped it, and I don't know when it was deleted or by whom. I also don't know how to explore my own mapping history (i.e. my own changeset numbers). So bottom line - I redid the mapping. Already completed :)

(06 Oct '20, 17:25) ulrichg

I took a quick look at your re-additions. In one case that I saw, one of the ways passed through industrial buildings and a school. If the former railbed has been completely obliterated by new construction, then there shouldn't be a railway=* in OSM anymore. I suspect that other mappers saw cases where the railbed doesn't exist anymore and removed the OSM ways that you had mapped in those areas.

(06 Oct '20, 17:53) alester

Maybe might be a good place for these?

(06 Oct '20, 17:56) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi, It would be a good idea to contact the mapper who deleted them (via changeset comments), the deletion may have been inadvertent. If you can give the changeset numbers of the uploads perhaps someone could have a look

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answered 06 Oct '20, 08:21

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thanks a lot for the answers

Well, it's already some years ago that I mapped it, and I don't know when it was deleted or by whom. I also don't know how to explore my own mapping history (i.e. my own changeset numbers). So bottom line - I redid the mapping. Already completed :)

(06 Oct '20, 16:22) ulrichg

@alester: Thank you, point well taken. How to document the complete track of former railways, so that they appear in full for example in Maybe I am using an incorrect method but so far I did not find another way.

"abandoned" means to me that indeed tracks and railbed are lost or removed. The editor is supporting this view as with "abandoned" it does not indicate any conflicts with crossed roads or buildings. It is like virtual lines, like borders. Of course these tracks appear in the editor, but they do not appear in standard view of OSM. I am happy to learn about a different method or different keys for mapping.

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answered 06 Oct '20, 21:22

ulrichg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Goetz, it all depends on the time they were deleted. If it was last week you could use JOSM and restore them. But a restoration program damages all other newer / younger edits as well. The bad choice is will I do the same as the other mapper who deleted / damaged you edits ? In general, that is not done. The last is search / find the other mapper and ask why the tracks were deleted, otherwise you might lose them again and be part of an edit war.

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answered 05 Oct '20, 20:33

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 05 Oct '20, 15:12

question was seen: 1,422 times

last updated: 06 Oct '20, 21:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum