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Hello there! On my site "error in geocoding" appears. What is the problem? Help us fix this error.

asked 05 Oct '20, 08:23

AlexandraKam's gravatar image

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Please tell us what your site is so we can have a look.

(05 Oct '20, 08:25) Frederik Ramm ♦

The site appears to be using the geocoding and it works for me. says: "please be fair - extensive usage will be throttled". If you are using the service intensively, it might be a good idea to install your own Photon instance - see

(05 Oct '20, 11:12) Frederik Ramm ♦

Thank you for your comment. Please explain if I understand you correctly. Does this mean that we use the map too much and therefore need to install a different map?

(07 Oct '20, 03:13) AlexandraKam

I do not know how much you are using the map and I am not the person running the web site. You might want to ask them directly. And this is not about "installing a different map", but about who pays for the server that runs the search. At the moment, are paying for you; at some point you might have to pay for the server resources yourselves. i.e. rent a server and install the software on that machine.

(07 Oct '20, 11:23) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 05 Oct '20, 08:23

question was seen: 1,010 times

last updated: 07 Oct '20, 11:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum