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Although they are only temporary (probably only here for a few months), I feel they would be very useful to help people find them by marking them on the map. By test centre I mean the places where people go to be tested, not where samples are sent to.

Is healthcare=laboratory best? or is that for where the samples are evaluated not where they are taken? what would you then define healthcare:speciality=?

Will also need to mark which are motor vehicle only or pedestrian only

asked 03 Oct '20, 12:09

YoP's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Since this is something new to be tagged you might be better off taking this question to the Tagging mailing list.

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answered 07 Oct '20, 10:24

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

alt text

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answered 07 Oct '20, 19:06

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

You could add a note see above answer.

(07 Oct '20, 19:08) andy mackey

I could not add the text of my answer to to jpeg for some reason. The image and text layout didn't work as I intended.

(07 Oct '20, 19:12) andy mackey

I don't see the point in doing so. If you create a note you just dump the problem on someone else.

(07 Oct '20, 19:31) TZorn

I don't see the the point in adding a C19 test place that may only be operational for a few days. If it is then uploaded to devices it will just be misleading.

(07 Oct '20, 21:10) andy mackey

Re "may only be operational for a few days" - that may depend on how different regions react to the pandemic. Some I'm sure will be using mostly mobile facilities, but certainly where I am (England) some sites have been in operation for some months now and are likely to continue to be so for some months more. Mapping them seems eminently possible.

(07 Oct '20, 22:32) SomeoneElse ♦

Yep, the one in the Milton Park & Ride on the outskirts of Cambridge has been operational since early June, the one at the Motorpoint Arena (National Ice Stadium) in Nottingham since late May.

There has been an import of test locations in Bangladesh but without any regular tags (& it's not clear that the data are compatible with OSM's licence).

(08 Oct '20, 14:14) SK53 ♦

Thanks SomeoneElse and SK53 it does seem they are a bit more long lasting than I had heard from the TV/ radio. Adding them to the map could be worth while when an agreed tag is decided.

(09 Oct '20, 09:44) andy mackey
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

I have seen many COVID mapping projects in HOTOSM. I suggest you should explore them to see what they are doing.


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answered 11 Oct '20, 05:47

mdelatorre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 03 Oct '20, 12:09

question was seen: 2,451 times

last updated: 11 Oct '20, 05:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum