There's quite a tagging mess here, mostly due to people not thinking about what a name is:
I culled a few obviously nonsensical names such as "solar vacio" ("empty lot") already but for the rest I'd like to hear what others think.
The V-something "names" seem to be actual house numbers while most of these buildings are tagged with addr:housenumber
being "MZ-something" for "manzana", block. So I guess the possibilities are
a) always use the combination of manzana and number as addr:housenumber=MZx n
b) addr:block=m
without the MZ prefix, addr:housenumber=n
, probably best without the V
c) addr:place
instead of addr:block
- I understand the block number is supposed to be used instead of addr:street
while the manzana isn't useful without a street.
I'm leaning towards b).
Orthogonal to that: would a building name like "Condominio Geminis" go into "name" or addr:housename
? The latter is not considered mutually exclusive with addr:housenumber
, is it?
Then again, is it worth cleaning that up in the first place, considering many of those "buildings" don't correspond to real-world buildings but rather to something like lots? Maybe deleting the building=*
where the subjective difference between the building outline and mapped area is too big?
02 Oct '20, 10:05
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I don't know enough about that type of addressing scheme to comment, but I do want to comment on the house name aspect. addr:housename is for when the name of the building is part of the mailing address (usually because the building doesn't have a addr:housenumber, so the name is the only way to identify the correct delivery location). In the case of "Condominio Geminis", that sounds like a name=*, not part of the address.
Thanks, that's sort of my gut feeling, too. The building name is commonly used as part of the address; my memory of Ecuador is too hazy to tell whether there are cases where where several buildings of different name use the same house number but I think the name is generally just a more mailman-friendly extra.