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Hi i ve followed the tutorial from to render osm maps using mapnik. i get errors after the command renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf :

renderd[6862]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'ajt': Postgis Plugin: ERREUR: la relation « icesheet_polygons » n'existe pas LINE 1: SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM icesheet_polygons WHERE "... ^ in executeQuery Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM icesheet_polygons WHERE "way" IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;' encountered during parsing of layer 'icesheet-poly' in Layer at line 5895 of '/home/user/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml' renderd[6862]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'ajt': Postgis Plugin: ERREUR: la relation « icesheet_polygons » n'existe pas LINE 1: SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM icesheet_polygons WHERE "... ^

I was told about getting into lua coding to understand and tweak relations in the osm.pbf files but i didnt go into that yet. Where would the error come from please and how can i fix it? thank you regards

asked 30 Sep '20, 17:16

kr1p's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

A susbsequent conversation on IRC (with someone who may be the same person) suggests that the "Shapefile download" bits of weren't done.

permanent link

answered 30 Sep '20, 18:26

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 30 Sep '20, 17:16

question was seen: 2,532 times

last updated: 01 Oct '20, 11:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum