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Was drawing a monument which has on one side a series of bollards that are chain linked. Spacing is even but moving them in evenly is not and it renders poorly. Found wiki on a feature discussion* Question is, how can this be achieved quickly on any set of points? Is there a possibility of getting a drawing grid overlay to get a visual reference where to place points? Anyway, nothing seems to pop up in the keys and tags that fits the bill.

Thx for reading.

PS, the right click menu for actions has the 'straighten' that works great on multi-selection loose point too, reflect short/long, not yet had a use for it, a 'space out' between the first and last point would be great option on that menu.

asked 27 Sep '20, 13:13

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Sep '20, 13:58

In JOSM this is called Distribute Nodes and has the keyboard shortcut [SHIFT]+B.

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answered 27 Sep '20, 14:16

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Unfortunately I use the in-browser ID editor only where Shift+B brings up the Background fold out menu. Searching OSM on the key word distribute or distribution brings up lots on goods and services networks.

(27 Sep '20, 15:27) SekeRob

Absent a 1-2, got a semi slick work around solution for the even distancing problem in ID editor. Draw a 2 point line from last to first bollard in as row, then find the automatic triangle mark middle point on the line (don't know what the official name ref. is) and drag it to the third bollard from any side on the sat.image. New triangle grip points are generated. Rinse and repeat. Each time a point is added half way a line section, neatly in middle, e voila, nicely spaced bollards that can be added to these points. Since the bollards are interconnected with a chain, converted the line to it's appr.identifier. On even, the last point is eyeball.

Why do it the easy way, when there's a hard day's night.

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answered 28 Sep '20, 12:22

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Sep '20, 12:24

Stumbled on 'Bollard row' as a key. Does everything with all the possible tags of a single bollard, not asking for how many though, but then the point is just to represent a bollard row on the map. Good is, just draw a line with a curve and they still get evenly spread out, or distributed if you will.

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answered 29 Sep '20, 20:15

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Sep '20, 13:13

question was seen: 1,503 times

last updated: 29 Sep '20, 20:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum