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A common feature on UK rivers is a 'barrel line' approaching a weir, to prevent boats passing over the weir by accident and damaging themselves: see here.

That particular barrel line has been mapped by dzizek23 as a barrier=chain, with a description to explain the feature.

That seems quite good, and it renders nicely (*ducks for cover).

As a water user I would quite like barrier=floating-chain or barrier=barrel-line as that would be specific for the water feature rather than repurposing a land feature for it. It would be useful for canoeists and others planning what barriers they may be able to pass over/under. But maybe that's just adding complication?

Does anyone know if these are mapped elsewhere? Are there views on whether they should be a barrier=chain or something else? Or should this question be asked elsewhere?

Thank you.

PS substitute _ for - (underscore confuses the markdown)

asked 26 Sep '20, 10:49

eteb3's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

I think the underscore will not confuse the markdown if you wrap your tags in backticks `.

(26 Sep '20, 14:07) InsertUser

Hi eteb3, see this one I made as newbie,

(04 Oct '20, 23:52) Hendrikklaas

In the Nordic countries, it also is common to have barriers that look similar to those that @eteb3 refers to, but they are intended to stop floating pieces of ice well ahead of a hydropower station. They consist of a set of buoys linked with heavy wires.

(18 Oct '21, 11:58) GĂ„seborg

I believe the correct name is barrier=boom for a linked set of buoys around prohibited areas, though wiki does not seem to document this as expected. Maybe barrier=buoy is another choice

permanent link

answered 26 Sep '20, 13:45

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 26 Sep '20, 14:57


There's OpenSeaMap documentation for seamap:obstruction:category=boom. It appears to have been used 0 times.

(26 Sep '20, 14:15) InsertUser

Thanks both. I've updated the wiki at Key:barrier, and will hopefully produce the page Tag:barrier=boom at some point soon.

I would suggest barrier=buoy should be avoided as a buoy is generally a point object.

(26 Sep '20, 16:17) eteb3

Just for info, I've now found this related question from 2014:

permanent link

answered 03 Oct '20, 21:32

eteb3's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 03 Oct '20, 21:32

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question asked: 26 Sep '20, 10:49

question was seen: 1,598 times

last updated: 18 Oct '21, 11:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum