I am currently mapping a large university (amenity=university). JOSM detects errors (overlapped area) when wooded areas (natural=wood) overlap the university polygon. Only wood/university overlaps are shown as errors, there is no error over the segments of the wooded area that is outside the university. To avoid these errors, I see three possibilities.
Which one is expected according to OSM best practices? Thanks, |
My basic answer is 3) "do nothing", such cases are quite commmon in OSM and therefore need to be considered by data consumers. Longer answer below. There is no need in OSM mapping for a single polygon reflecting landuse/landcover in any given area. The reasons for this are many:
If you want a tesselated layer consisting of a contiguous set of polygons you need to post-process OSM data. You may need something like the CartoCSS algorithm, although in practice I have found a simple hierarchy of tags can work well (slide 16 here). My approach (slide 24 in previous link) involved progressive spatial unions and clipping according to the hierarchy I used. The main complication was dealing with invalid geometries at all stages of the process. |
Not sure why amenity would conflict with woodlands and bodies of water, so I assume the issue is nested landuse tagging. Which is one reason that I avoid using landuse for things like wooded areas and bodies of water. I prefer using natural tags. Actually, I prefer landcover tagging (are those trees there "naturally" or because of some human reason? Don't know, don't care, but they are there thus landcover rather than natural). But that is poorly supported so I generally dual tag for natural and landcover. If something is really a land use, like maybe a reservoir, in the middle of another land use, then make the larger one a multi-polygon if it isn't already. Then make the smaller contained land use an inner polygon. Wooded areas are labelled as natural=wood, water as natural=water. Only sections of wooded areas that overlap the amenity=university are identified as errors.
(20 Sep '20, 19:26)
Are you sure you haven't accidentally added a wood tag to the university?
(20 Sep '20, 23:55)
Is it possible to link to the area so that people can have a look at exactly what the error is?
It sounds like a false positive, and if that's the case I'd definitely report it on JOSM's trac. For info, I've always found the JOSM devs to be extremely helpful and responsive to things raised with them in this way.
Just to be clear, is the validator reporting these as errors or warnings? I don't think I've seen overlapping areas reported as errors in the past. If they are now, it could be a bug.
Validator reports the errors as "Other-Overlapping Areas". So it may just be a "Have a look" message.