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I created translated "Hiking" page in wiki to Fa (فارسی) language. It worked very well for more than one year, but now the link is dead without source edition. So, translated page is not available from english page. What's the problem?

English page: Hiking

Fa page: Fa:کوهنوردی

asked 19 Sep '20, 13:43

babri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Works for me, toggling between the two, I can go from fa => en and vice versa.

(19 Sep '20, 16:43) SK53 ♦

I'm seeing a link to the Fa:Hiking redirect as the penultimate item in the list.

What browser etc. are you using?

(19 Sep '20, 16:53) InsertUser

I use chrome. I see the word فارسی as well (the penultimate item), but there is no link.

(20 Sep '20, 06:42) babri

I'm using a chromium based browser and I have the same problem: I can't click the link. Non problem using Firefox, BTW.

(20 Sep '20, 09:25) Mannivu

I'm also seeing a proper link in Firefox but not in Chrome.

I can find the template documentation but don't know where the actual template lives to mention this bug on the discussion page.

(20 Sep '20, 12:04) InsertUser

I came across the same issue on Chrome, but no problem on Firefox (my default browser). It's likely an issue with bidirectional text, but not sure if it is a bug with chrome or template itself. I've started a new discussion on template talk page.

(12 Jan '21, 23:31) iriman
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Working for me alt text

permanent link

answered 19 Sep '20, 20:33

Suburbanno's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Did you accessed the page using فارسی link in English page?

(20 Sep '20, 06:43) babri

yes, slow, but work

(20 Sep '20, 18:17) Suburbanno

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question asked: 19 Sep '20, 13:43

question was seen: 1,472 times

last updated: 12 Jan '21, 23:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum