Hello, When I try to install new osm file in my nominatim server. With the setup.php (10666 = 2/3 of 16G RAM) :
I have some errors :
I've change many times the --osm2pgsql-cache parameters with some values : Same errors :( My configuration :
Have you some ideas please ? Thanks F. |
osm2pgsql imports the *.pbf file into the database. Then follows the indexing "Done 9254458 in 55681 @ 166.204956 per second". Changing "osm2pgsql-cache" has no effect on the indexing. It looks like postgresql ran out of RAM when creating an index. The postgresql log file might have more information. You can repeat the step: "./utils/setup.php --index --create-search-indices --create-country-names" I restart the setup.php command, and I'll run : "./utils/setup.php --index --create-search-indices --create-country-names" after. And so, I'll post the result. Thanks.
(10 Sep '20, 16:09)
Hi. I've run "./utils/setup.php --index --create-search-indices --create-country-names", and I've the same error "pgsql returned with error code (3)", out of memory. So, I check the configuration for postgresql, and all is ok. For example : "maintenance_work_mem = 10GB". Have you an another idea please ?
(14 Sep '20, 09:50)
You need to monitor the RAM usage while the script is running. Assessing after the script ended if memory was low doesn't work. Most likely you need a server with more RAM.
(14 Sep '20, 12:20)
Thanks. I've 16G of RAM, it's not good enough ?. I'm just re-run the script and check memory with "htop" command.
(14 Sep '20, 13:51)