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The county that I live in (Gilchrist, Florida, USA) operates 4 or 5 mid-stage local transfer stations in various parts of the county for waste collection. These are mostly self-service (but see below) facilities that have two or three 25-30 foot long roll-off containers. These containers have a roof, and sliding doors on the side. The customer drops their bags of trash into the container, and the containers are moved to a central collection/transfer station several times per week.

One of these facilities (soon to be two) have an electrically powered compactor, that compresses waste bags, to require fewer truck trips to the central transfer station. These are manned by an attendant.

The facilities I am describing are somewhere between amenity=waste_disposal and amenity=waste_transfer_station. There is one of these co-located with the central transfer station, plus four more at key locations around the county.

How do I tag these ?

asked 10 Sep '20, 11:38

NitaRae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Still a amenity=waste_transfer_station? The question would be how to distinguish different kinds of them.

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answered 10 Sep '20, 13:00

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


I'd say, you can tag all of the mentioned locations as amenity=waste_transfer_station. Point being that they provide several large disposal containers where individuals can dump their waste, regardless of technology used.

(10 Sep '20, 13:21) TZorn

OK, I will use that method (even tho a landfill is not the immediate destination). I took a couple of pictures this morning, one of which I'll add to commons later today (in case we ever decide to make this more granular).

ETA: The talk page for amenity=waste_transfer_station mitigates against using this tag value. It suggests using recycling, but that page says to not use it if non-recycled trash is being disposed. So I'm back to needing something in the middle.

(10 Sep '20, 16:26) NitaRae

@NitaRae A "Recycling center" feature won't suggest its role in the recycling process either. That's a common problem to both.

(10 Sep '20, 16:55) Kovoschiz

@Kovoschiz I am inclined towards a new tag, something like amenity=waste_collection_station (to differentiate from transfer), but the red tape to make that accepted is formidable.

(10 Sep '20, 18:28) NitaRae

I don't see why waste_transfer_station can't be used. It's exactly what you're describing, and the OSM wiki article doesn't preclude one transfer station from transferring to another, just that the waste is transferring on to... somewhere ("The consolidated waste is transferred on a regular basis for further procession..."). The discussion on the talk page was presumably due to a vague article that has since been clarified, so it can be ignored.

(10 Sep '20, 19:26) alester

@NitaRae I doubt the need. Rather, clarifying the prevalent amenity=waste_disposal may be more beneficial.

(11 Sep '20, 08:40) Kovoschiz
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question asked: 10 Sep '20, 11:38

question was seen: 1,273 times

last updated: 11 Sep '20, 08:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum