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There are many edits in this area such as this one (more than one week old) that have not been rendered at zoom level <= 12. Is this an issue/bug? If yes, is this the right place to report such issues?

I have already read discussions like this one talking about tens of minutes wait time to render a tile. Is there any other more recent (or live!) performance number/graph that can be used to get a more accurate estimation of the rendering time? e.g. any of the munin graphs ?

Update: Changes in that area are now visible at all zoom levels after almost 4 weeks.

asked 09 Sep '20, 06:18

Althemapper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Sep '20, 17:54

Tiles with zoom level <= 12 are not rendered on demand, instead they are regularly created by a batch process every now and then. The reason for this is that the tiles at lower zoom levels normally contain too much data to render reasonably fast on demand (the area in question is an exception to the rule).

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answered 09 Sep '20, 12:42

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you @SimonPoole. Thank you for clarifying rendering of different zoom levels. Based on that, there is an issue in the area I reported, right?

(09 Sep '20, 13:46) Althemapper

No, nothing to be reported as the batch process to rerender those tiles <= 12 don't even run weekly, afaik. Better wait for up to a month.

(09 Sep '20, 13:55) Spiekerooger

Thank you @Spiekerooger. Very good to know that the rendering frequency of tiles of zoom level<=12 is so low! Do you know if there is any statistic/graph related to those available?

(09 Sep '20, 15:03) Althemapper

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question asked: 09 Sep '20, 06:18

question was seen: 1,945 times

last updated: 27 Sep '20, 17:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum