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2 question : First question : I made changes for my business address before 2 weeks but no changes have been made yet in Facebook? Second question : I can not see my other business in the map, before 2 weeks I put my new business but when I log in I can see it but not when I check for it in the map. THIS IS FOR ANOTHER BUSINESS FROM THE FIRST(QUESTION I MADE FOR) ONE. Thank you

asked 07 Sep '20, 19:08

Theranda%20Hotel's gravatar image

Theranda Hotel
accept rate: 0%

The Theranda Hotel and the Theranda de Lux-e are both mapped and look ok (although the hotel is mapped on three separate objects which should be combined and the de Lux-e could be mapped on a way instead of a node). From Openstreetmap point of view there is nothing more to do.

If your businesses don't show up on Facebook you have to contact them to resolve the issue. It could be that they update the maps and their database only so often and have just not picked up your changes yet.

permanent link

answered 07 Sep '20, 19:37

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you for your answer.Theranda is one object but it was mistakenly putted from the map as two so we changed it and we joined the lines and made it one. Therande de Lux-e is another but in the map there isn't the object so we just put the mark approx.(if you know how can we add the objects we will be very grateful) We contacted so many times Facebook but we have not received any answer from them :(

Thank you so much for your help

(07 Sep '20, 20:33) Theranda Hotel

Past experience and previous conversations suggest that Facebook's "place" information isn't based on OpenStreetMap data very much so yes, you will need to contact Facebook to get it resolved.

(07 Sep '20, 20:40) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 07 Sep '20, 19:08

question was seen: 1,183 times

last updated: 07 Sep '20, 20:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum