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The article says "Resolved notes are not removed or deleted. After a period of seven days they are hidden from view.". But how can we view hidden notes? I did not find it. Thanks.

Update: In related questions, I just saw an answer mentioning the RSS feed,smaller_latitude,larger_longitude,larger_latitude on but it does not show hidden notes. Maybe there is an additional parameter that needs to be used.

asked 06 Sep '20, 01:18

baptx's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 19 Jan '22, 10:21

TZorn's gravatar image


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answered 06 Sep '20, 11:24

baptx's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 06 Sep '20, 12:58

nevw's gravatar image


Can you please add the rss tag to this question so it's easier for folks to find in the future?

(18 Jan '22, 03:06) ray331

Hi, Have a look here :- scroll down select your country. Theres an option to download a file of closed notes. I've no idea how to open it on a map though.

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answered 06 Sep '20, 08:28

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Hello, is it an official tool from OpenStreetMap or is there another one? I noticed I can only download the RSS feed of closed notes for the last 7 days (e.g. France: How can we see notes created a few months ago? Is it possible to view notes from a specific city / area instead of a whole country? I updated my question with more details I found recently.

(06 Sep '20, 09:47) baptx

With JOSM you can easily download notes as you wish, even all closed notes, no matter how long ago they were closed.

To set JOSM to download notes according to your needs, you have to go to preferences (F12), enable the Expert Mode if you haven't it enabled, click on the Advanced Preferences tab and seach for notes, as shown in this image:

alt text

There, you will have several notes settings. For what you are asking, the two keys you are interested in are osm.notes.daysClosed and osm.notes.downloadLimit.

osm.notes.daysClosed: This key lets you specify how many days closed notes should be downloaded. Default is 7, that means that JOSM would download all notes that were closed during the last 7 days. It will add, obviously, all open notes.

You can change that value to any other number. If you want only open notes to be downloaded, you will set it to 0. And for what you are interested, if you want to download all notes, open or closed, whatever the time they were closed, you should set the value to -1.

osm.notes.downloadLimit: This key is important because, if you are going to download all open and closed notes for a certain area, their number could be big. This key lets you decide the maximum number of notes JOSM will download. Default is 1000, but you can change it to any number from 1 up to 10000.

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answered 07 Jan '23, 14:11

edvac's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 07 Jan '23, 14:13

The API method is simple, but requires specifying 4 coordinates (in the correct order...). In the end, I found it much easier to do with this script, where I can pass "top left URL" and "bottom right URL" from


perl --topleft '' --bottomright '' --closed 70

Disclaimer: I wrote that script some time ago.

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answered 29 Aug '22, 11:52

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 29 Aug '22, 11:52

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question asked: 06 Sep '20, 01:18

question was seen: 2,841 times

last updated: 07 Jan '23, 14:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum