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I am not getting results when running the following query

But I can see the address is in the database

Any idea why the address is not being found when I query it via Nominatim? Anything I can do to solve the issue?

asked 05 Sep '20, 19:30

xpro6000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Firstly, your query says "Moorsville" but the city is called "Mooresville".

Even that doesn't fix it though because the node lies outside the city boundary of Mooresville, something which Nominatim apparently considers more authoritative than the node's addr:city tag. If you leave out the city=Mooresville from your query then the node is found.

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answered 05 Sep '20, 22:10

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 05 Sep '20, 22:11

You are right, leaving out the city works. However, I'm getting different results from my local Nominatim server which I installed about 3 weeks ago, compared to

from openstreetmap I get this result which is listing the county correctly

but from my local install I see which lists county as "Halifax County" which is incorrect.

Any idea why I am getting different results?

(06 Sep '20, 04:12) xpro6000 database gets fully reindexed only once or twice per year so your installation is likely more up-to-date. With incremental (minutely) updates and regular changes to the index and search logic there will never be a 100% match between installations.

(06 Sep '20, 15:24) mtmail

A search for "126 Sunfish Drive" by itself appears to show it.

Nominatim thinks the address is in Mount Mourne presumably because it is outside of the Mooresville town relation. Changing the border probably isn't a good idea unless you know it is out of date.

The Nominatim FAQ suggests adding an is_in tag but if that doesn't work the best alternative I can suggest is a rather unhelpful "be less specific".

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answered 05 Sep '20, 22:29

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 05 Sep '20, 19:30

question was seen: 2,074 times

last updated: 06 Sep '20, 15:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum