I'd like to start mapping trees and bushes that grow edible fruit. It's clear to me how to do this when I have a single tree that I want to tag. But what do I do when the shrubbery along a path contains a large amount of blackberry bushes, that I don't feel I can map individually? Can On the other hand, for an area overgrown with mainly blackberries, it might be fine. Additional noteworthy plants could be added as individual points. Are there established ways to do this? Otherwise, what are your thoughts? Furthermore, although this is beyond what I want to do right now, how about a meadow where some specific edible plants grow, among many other things? Is this something that can be part of OSM? |
The tags that come to mind are See the And if more than one thing is growing you could double up the tags with semicoloned values: I'd avoid tagging species unless the feature you're tagging is entirely that species... plus it's difficult to get right; there are hundreds of species of blackberries alone. thank you! it feels like "produce" was the one tag I didn't click on, and it's totally what I was looking for. Good point about
(05 Sep '20, 15:14)
I'd be very surprised if anyone wanted to map individual blackberry microspecies, the standard aggregate name Rubus fruticosus used with species or taxon is fine. You can also use dominant_taxon (e.g., dominant_taxon=Rubus fruticosus, or dominant_taxon=Prunus spinosa) which provides more biologically relevant information about the area of shrubs. This is approprite when the area might be described as a bramble patch or blackthorn thicket.
(05 Sep '20, 16:08)
SK53 ♦