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Why does my start to end gpx track load as 187 segments instead of a continuous line? It's originally a FIT file that I convert. But I've routinely done this. And loading it into google mymaps and ridewithgps, strava, and others it shows fine as a single track.

I'm using JOSM

asked 04 Sep '20, 00:09

Daniel%20Ellsworth's gravatar image

Daniel Ellsw...
accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Sep '20, 13:21

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


Have you opened the file in JOSM or have you uploaded the track to OSM server and then downloaded it in JOSM?

(04 Sep '20, 09:02) TZorn

I opened in JOSM. I did not upload it to the server. I have never done that.

(04 Sep '20, 14:16) Daniel Ellsw...

There are a few questions on GPX problems here is one i asked.

(04 Sep '20, 19:27) andy mackey

Thanks Andy. There are some good tool suggestions in there. I've actually fooled around quite a bit with GPX files. This one I had actually converted using GPSBabel from the original FIT. There were no errors. And everything reads it fine and shows a good trace. Except JOSM. That just shows 187 segments. I even took the file in mymaps which looked good and saved it as an xml. Same problem. I've been reluctant to go in and hand edit 187 segments. I'd rather find a resolution to the problem or identification of the problem so it can be addressed in JOSM. I'm not desperate. I redrew by hand all the tracks as roads and trails for upload since the segments and bing maps were enough between the two. But there were some specific exaggerated bends I put in to mark road changes and those I can't see so can't fine tune the map. What I haven't tried is re-downloading gpsbabel. I've seen in blogs that some recent changes have made GPX issues. But my version is old and I'm reluctant to update it from what I've read. I could try another converter I guess.....

(05 Sep '20, 01:14) Daniel Ellsw...

I would suggest reporting this as an issue to the JOSM developers, including the file in question.

permanent link

answered 08 Sep '20, 13:22

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 04 Sep '20, 00:09

question was seen: 4,656 times

last updated: 08 Sep '20, 13:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum