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Is there a mobile app that displays guidepost text information? I tried the App OsmAnd: show the icon but not the text.

asked 01 Sep '20, 18:35

micheleOSM's gravatar image

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Can you link to some of the guideposts that you'd like to see the text displayed for? It'd be useful to see how it is actually tagged (I can think of a few possible ways).

(01 Sep '20, 19:05) SomeoneElse ♦

This is the area:

The tags: ele=1210 hiking=yes information=guidepost note=619: Cadramazzo 1:40;619: Cuel de la Bareta 0:30 Val Dogna 2:00 operator=Club Alpino Italiano tourism=information

I would like to view the text: "619: Cadramazzo 1:40;619: Cuel de la Bareta 0:30 Val Dogna 2:00

(01 Sep '20, 19:15) micheleOSM

Maybe I found a solution: add the name tag

For example: name=CAI 619: Cadramazzo 1:40;619: Cuel de la Bareta 0:30 Val Dogna 2:00

(02 Sep '20, 07:02) micheleOSM

That is not a good idea. That would be tagging for the renderer at its finest. The name tag is for the name and the name only.

You don't put a restaurant's menu in its name tag, either, do you?

(02 Sep '20, 08:05) TZorn

Many thanks. Actually the idea is not mine, I have explored other guidepost in the vicinity and they seem to use this technique. But as I am inexperienced, I will try to ask the local contributors.

(02 Sep '20, 08:16) micheleOSM

Maybe the problem is that the 619: Cadramazzo 1:40;619: Cuel de la Bareta 0:30 Val Dogna 2:00 part has been added in the note tag. As per the CAI page in the Wiki, the 619 should be added in a ref tag and the Cadramazzo 1:40;Cuel de la Bareta 0:30;Val Dogna 2:00 should be in a destination tag

EDIT: I've edited the guidepost's tag following the Wiki rules. I don't know how long will it take to OsmAnd to get the edits (at wors a month).

EDIT2: I also see that OsmAnd displays the note tag in the information panel (see image)

(02 Sep '20, 08:30) Mannivu

Many thanks

(02 Sep '20, 08:47) micheleOSM

Many thanks Mannivu!

(02 Sep '20, 10:22) micheleOSM
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question asked: 01 Sep '20, 18:35

question was seen: 1,063 times

last updated: 02 Sep '20, 10:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum