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Dear All, My property is in one object but in the map they are 2 different objects?How can I change it so I want to make these 2 object in one ,how we really are? Thank you

asked 31 Aug '20, 15:48

Theranda%20Hotel's gravatar image

Theranda Hotel
accept rate: 0%

What kind of objects? Don't merge them unless you understand what's going on. Usually they both exist for good reasons.

(01 Sep '20, 07:18) Kovoschiz

Using iD editor: if they are nodes, simply drag one element on another; if they are ways, copy the tags from the wrong one into the correct one and delete the wrong one.

Using JOSM editor: if they are nodes, drag one node on top of the other, then press "M". If they are ways, , copy the tags from the wrong one into the correct one and delete the wrong one.

permanent link

answered 31 Aug '20, 19:33

Mannivu's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


Alternative with JOSM: If the ways overlap (or you can modify one to have them overlap) then select both and use shift-J to join them.

(04 Sep '20, 03:07) n76

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question asked: 31 Aug '20, 15:48

question was seen: 1,095 times

last updated: 04 Sep '20, 03:07

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