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Dear all, Height information (the '400' for height 400m on the 400m line) is so small i can barely read. Zooming does not help, since the size of the characters remain the same. How can i see it bigger? I'm talking about OPENCYCLEMAP with its height information, read on the app for iPhone. Thanks forward,

asked 31 Aug '20, 15:30

PHAR%20DOUIN's gravatar image

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Which app?

(31 Aug '20, 15:45) SomeoneElse ♦

App: openstreetmap on iphone. Using the opencyclemap map. Thx :)

(31 Aug '20, 16:10) PHAR DOUIN

App: openstreetmap on iphone. Using the opencyclemap map. Thx :)

(31 Aug '20, 16:10) PHAR DOUIN

There is no app called "OpenStreetMap" - what's your app actually called?

(31 Aug '20, 20:06) Richard ♦

Correct Richard, my mistake you're right. It would be OSMaps then. Thx

(01 Sep '20, 08:25) PHAR DOUIN

OSMaps is Ordnance Survey

Are you using OSM main sight on your iphone's browser of a specific app?

(02 Sep '20, 16:33) DaveF
(02 Sep '20, 16:43) TZorn

@daveF: i'm using OSMaps application as said, no browser. @TZorn: if i understand correctly (not sure) the OSM Map viewer you're talking about is the one i'm already using.

At short term, i downloaded another app, where i can better see/read the letters of the height/altitude lines (contour lines? bathymetric lines)

(02 Sep '20, 20:16) PHAR DOUIN

If you have a solution PHAR DOUIN it could be helpful for others if you shared it :)

(03 Sep '20, 13:22) andy mackey
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question asked: 31 Aug '20, 15:30

question was seen: 638 times

last updated: 03 Sep '20, 13:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum