A few days ago I updated my database with the latest planet file.
Everything looks ok but I'm missing the Russia entry in planet_osm_polygon.
It is found in both planet_osm_roads:
osm=> select admin_level, name
osm-> from planet_osm_roads
osm-> where osm_id = -60189 and boundary = 'administrative'
osm-> limit 1;
admin_level | name
2 | Россия
(1 row)
and planet_osm_line:
osm=> select admin_level, name
osm-> from planet_osm_line
osm-> where osm_id = -60189 and boundary = 'administrative'
osm-> limit 1;
admin_level | name
2 | Россия
(1 row)
But not in planet_osm_polygon:
osm=> select admin_level, name
osm-> from planet_osm_polygon
osm-> where osm_id = -60189 and boundary = 'administrative'
osm-> limit 1;
admin_level | name
(0 rows)
On my production server using an older planet.pbf file, it is in planet_osm_polygon as well.
What could be wrong?
Edit: I'm missing multiple other countries as well: Brazil, Argentina, Chile...
30 Aug '20, 18:04
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