Tags such as EDIT: I can't take a picture now, and I can't draw for sh1te, so here's a quick model:
Footways or streets tagged with Tall platforms for observation are Pictures or additional explanation of what you're trying to record might be helpful. My point is that the object is definitely area-ish, several meters across, sometimes irregular - think wide terrace or patio or dining deck. Not meant for "highway"-type traversal, it's definitely an area, so I'm loathe to make it a highway with extra tags dangling off it. And it's pretty much at ground level, give or take a meter for a level surface on uneven or sloped ground, so not really much need for a level=1 there.
(29 Aug '20, 19:01)
This sounds like something whose tagging will mostly be based on usage, so it will depend on what the particular bit of decking is for.
(29 Aug '20, 23:04)
If you can travel on it, it's such an area.
Why not? Because I'm an idiot, LOL. :D Somehow I was sure that making a highway area would still show as an empty rectangle, traversed like a roundabout - not a nice, filled shape. My bad! :)
(30 Aug '20, 07:08)
Did you consider to use the level=1 tag then is a higher boardwalk / platform level=2, higher and above the first one :-) |
Hi SinusPl do you have a link to the object or ways ?