I have encountered a major road (PA 309) mapped in what appears to be very confusing way. The road is not an expressway (it is in some places, but those are obvious and not in question) and has two lanes in each direction with a center turn lane in the middle, and it also has occasional medians/islands instead of the center turn lane. What's confusing is that it is mapped like an expressway - it has to separate one way roads going in the opposite directions. And now imagine that all minor roads, driveways, alleys, which are allover the road are mapped as two intersections instead of one. And some more complex intersections it just creates chaos, and not only for editor(s), but more importantly for navigation software like OsmAnd. Here is such intersection: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/40.24744/-75.24383 I have not been editing OSM long enough to suggest re-mapping it all, but it seems like a single road with properly tagged lanes would be a much more elegant solution. What would be the proper solution in the case like this? Expanding the topic a bit, but I think it is still relevant, what is the common practice to in US to mark intersections like this: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/40.28805/-75.26650? - Here that same road I mentioned earlier is now marked as an undivided, but the intersecting mall roads have short barriers right near the intersection, and one of them is split into two one-way roads, while the other is not. Which ways is correct? From navigation point, I would think splitting does not make much sense, but it certainly more thorough representation of the road. |
Looking at Bethlehem Pike, I think you are correct. It really should be mapped as a single way with a center turn lane. And, at least in my part of the country, it should not be tagged as a trunk either. And, for that matter, the traffic signals at the multiple way intersection with Doylestown Road, Cowpath Road, Horsham Road and Bethlehem Pike are not done to my taste either. I think the “Tag all incoming ways” mapping works better on an intersection of this type. Thank you for feedback. I noticed it all while mapping, but what got me really concerned is while going through that intersection, turning left from Horsham Rd. to Bethlehem Pike, OsmAnd navigation guided me "left on Doylestown road", which makes no sense because there only 50 ft. of Doylestown road in that direction, which is artificially created by separating the lanes on all the roads.
(26 Aug '20, 23:07)
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