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Dry lake tag

How should a dry lake be treated?

Recently playing Microsoft flight sim 2020, and decided to do some "desert mystery hunting" in china. However in-game it rendered a massive lake, when in reality its no longer there (they are even building a high speed railway through there no, and there is a HUGE industrial facility there)

It is located at:

However, if a lake no longer exists, should it even be marked? It is currently tagged with intermittent=yes, as that is the closes tag we have.

I have also contacted Microsoft about this "issue", as it is more how their game interprets the open street map data, but it mainly comes down to, "should features that no longer exists be mapped?"

Many thanks, Richard.

asked 22 Aug '20, 21:39

0235's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The "lake" landform still exists. A recent proposal is discussed

(23 Aug '20, 00:28) Kovoschiz

Hi besides intermittent, just like it is used for waterways. If the lake is seasonal in winters or spring ad thet key as well seasonal=yes. That should be sufficient for the situation.

permanent link

answered 27 Aug '20, 14:00

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 22 Aug '20, 21:39

question was seen: 1,771 times

last updated: 27 Aug '20, 14:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum