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Recently named road (named it 24 hours ago) is shown as unnamed road while querying directions in

This is the area in the map,

Directions queried

point A: 24th street, Ward 147, Zone 11 Valasaravakkam, Chennai, Ambattur, Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu, 60016, India

point B: 17th street, Ward 147, Zone 11 Valasaravakkam, Chennai, Ambattur, Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu, 60016, India


Distance: 346m. Time: 0:01. 1. Start on unnamed road 200m 2. Turn left onto unnamed road 140m 3. Reach destination

Directions courtesy of FOSSGIS Routing Service

asked 22 Aug '20, 15:06

noname87's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It can take a while for the routing data to be updated behind the scenes. Each service has it's own schedule.

See this answer for more information.

permanent link

answered 22 Aug '20, 16:46

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 22 Aug '20, 15:06

question was seen: 1,086 times

last updated: 22 Aug '20, 16:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum