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Every time I invoke JOSM to begin an editing session I must manually load some satellite imagery. I use the same satellite imagery every time; Maxar-Premium, Maxar-Standard, ESRI Clarity, and USGS Topos.

Is there a way to start JOSM perhaps with a command string containing these choices as parameters? I think I've seen the answer to this question in this forum a while ago but cannot find it right now.


asked 18 Aug '20, 05:07

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 18 Aug '20, 05:07

Ah, yes, that is one of the annoying "why was it ever done this way?" things about JOSM.

See for how to create a session configuration file (relatively new feature).

And, found after some experimenting, the session file can be specified on the command line with

--download <session file>

permanent link

answered 18 Aug '20, 08:23

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 18 Aug '20, 08:49

I thought for a minute this might have answered another JOSM layers question. How to stop JOSM automatically loading the OpenStreetCam and OneWay layers? Anyone have a way to stop the orange spots?

As an addition to the above answer I found that if you centre your JOSM map on your area of interest before saving the session JOSM will next open at that place and zoom level.

(18 Aug '20, 09:14) BCNorwich

@BCNorwich according to the answer to this you need to close the layer using the right click menu rather than the button below the layer list.

(18 Aug '20, 09:49) InsertUser

Oh so easy, I'd just been clicking the trash can/delete button. Many Thanks!

(18 Aug '20, 09:57) BCNorwich

Sorry to be so late to reply. I forgot to subscribe.

It looks like it's possible to do what I want but I would prefer to not have the viewport showing any particular area. I want JOSM to open with only the imagery layers loaded and the viewport in the same location as when I quit JOSM in the previous session, which is what it normally does now.

I haven't experimented with this yet but wanted to let you know I'm still interested.

Thank you....

(20 Aug '20, 09:42) AlaskaDave

Strange, my JOSM doesn't have a Sessions submenu in the File menu. It has a Save Session As option but not Load Session. I can still load it by right clicking the session file and using Open With -> JOSM, or passing it as an argument when launching from the shell though.

(26 Aug '20, 08:55) tguen

@tguen: You can use the standard Open dialogue to open sessions. The same you use for opening images, tracks, data files, ...

(26 Aug '20, 09:16) TZorn
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question asked: 18 Aug '20, 05:07

question was seen: 1,954 times

last updated: 26 Aug '20, 09:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum