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I am unable to save my edits because I get a message box saying :



I have no idea what this means but I have been back into my edits and deleted the relation I created of a pond inside woodland thinking this might be the problem, but it made no difference, I still am unable to save my edits.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 16 Aug '20, 21:18

retselkim's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Aug '20, 22:01

You should always indicate which editor you are using, not doing so requires that the people trying to help you need to research or guess things you already know.

After some research this seems to be an issue with iD the default browser embedded editor.

Before doing anything else you should save your edits to a file. In the "Save" pane at the very bottom you will find a link that allowes you to save to a file in "OSC" format. Once you've done that, if the file isn't too large, add it as a comment to your original question. Otherwise store it somewhere publicly and link to it.

It is likely possible to fixup the contents of the file so that you can then upload the changes with JOSM or Vespucci. But you can then also provide it as input to a new issue for

permanent link

answered 17 Aug '20, 09:15

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 17 Aug '20, 11:03


Thanks for the advice. I have been editing since 2007 but have always steered clear of what lies under the bonnet of OSM. Yeas it was the ID editor I was using and I will make sure I include that in any future queries.

With your help I appear to have solved my problem. In ID I saved my edits as an OSC file, then was able to open JOSM and import the file. When I tried to save the new JOSM version of my edits it gave me an error based on the pond in woodland relation I created yesterday that clearly was the error because deleting the feature allowed me to successfully upload and save all my edits (apart from the pond in Woodland).

(17 Aug '20, 21:59) retselkim

Good that things worked out.

It would still be helpful if you could open an issue on the iD bug tracker as the same issue may happen to somebody with less experience.

(17 Aug '20, 22:06) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 16 Aug '20, 21:18

question was seen: 1,379 times

last updated: 17 Aug '20, 22:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum