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I recently created an album of my photos, with a URL link for each photo specifying its GSM coordinates (like this one). Until yesterday, upon clicking on such a link, the opening map would display a marker (pin) on the spot corresponding to the location. As of today, it doesn't display it anymore (but it opens at the right spot).

I haven't changed the URLs. I tried different browsers, I tried different machines (my PC; my cellpĂ hone). No way.

How do I make the pins display again, please?

Thanks, Michael

asked 07 Aug '20, 21:51

Michael%20in%20Paris's gravatar image

Michael in P...
accept rate: 0%


The marker doesn't display for me either and I'm getting a 500 error when I attempt to load the image by itself. I think it might be worth raising a bug on the github page for the website.

(08 Aug '20, 01:29) InsertUser

Thanks for the suggestion, I just reported this issue (see here: ).

Not sure however what do you mean by "load the image by itself".

(08 Aug '20, 06:17) Michael in P...

Load the image of the marker.

(08 Aug '20, 19:55) InsertUser

Oh yes, I had misread your previous message. At any rate, this bug has been fixed (see thread in the above link for the reported issue).


permanent link

answered 08 Aug '20, 20:49

Michael%20in%20Paris's gravatar image

Michael in P...
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Aug '20, 21:51

question was seen: 1,705 times

last updated: 08 Aug '20, 20:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum