The members of the relation D8 Rhein-Route (317450) are deleted. Is there anybody, who is able to recover that relation? Tank you. Greetings KK-O |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Please use mailing lists/issue trackers for specific one-off problems like this." by Jonathan Bennett 04 Sep '11, 20:28
I've just hit the button to restore the previous version. It's now coming out of the API OK but the map browser is still timing out retrieving it (maybe because of today's scheduled maintenance)? I've dropped a courtesy email to the previous editor to say that if it was deleted deliberately to have a chat with you. |
Actually - one question - what's your OSM username? I've asked the previous editor of the relation to get in touch with you if it was a deliberate deletion* so that you can discuss together. That's just in case - I suspect that the removal of members was neither malicious nor deliberate.
My OSM username is KK-O. I do not understand the answer and the comment totally, but I see, the members of the relation are now available. Could it be possssible, that the deletion causes by the system, because that relation has many members and also many versions?
I'm guessing that the upload of the relation data (from JOSM) failed. Other relations in the same changeset were modified but not deleted.
The relation does look like a bit of a monster and it might be better to split it into several smaller ones, but that's really a question for the local forum / mailing list rather than here.