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I am looking to add a small on-street seating area that is outside the pub "the cask and barrel" at 55.95906/-3.19026 and to have that seating area associated with the cask and barrel at a data level.

Reading some other questions a suggestion was to draw the building around the whole area, however the building is multi-story and above the pub is residential buildings, and adjusting the outline of the whole building feels wrong. I am not sure if multiple overlapping polygons is appropriate i.e. one polygon for the ground floor only excluding the outdoor area and marked as building, and one for the whole ground floor area that includes the outdoors and one polygon for first floor level and above (UK), but that seems a bit of a hassle.

I considered drawing a separate polygon area and associating it with the pub somehow. I'd like to avoid adding the area but not associating it with the specific pub.

The above is in addition to marking the outside area as leisure=outdoor_seating and the pub as outdoor_seating=yes, which seems correct.

asked 03 Aug '20, 22:51

davidxmiller's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Aug '20, 23:27

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

I'd add a "outdoor_seating=yes" to the bar node, then I'll add a "leisure=outdoor_seating" area where the outdoor seating space is and add a operator tag to the area using the same name of the bar.

permanent link

answered 04 Aug '20, 13:52

Mannivu's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


Thank you for the suggestion! Do you know if there is a way to associated it more strongly with the exact pub at the level of the data? I agree it would be obvious to human looking at it that an outdoor area very close to a pub that was operated by a pub with the same name is a very close association, I was wondering if there is a way to link directly (rather than through association of the same name) with the pub?

(04 Aug '20, 16:00) davidxmiller

Other than the combinations indicated in the wiki I don't think there's some way to link directly the POI and the area.

(04 Aug '20, 16:32) Mannivu

Ok thanks :)

(04 Aug '20, 19:27) davidxmiller

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question asked: 03 Aug '20, 22:51

question was seen: 1,184 times

last updated: 04 Aug '20, 19:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum