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Hi, if i see this:, should i remove the address node and put the tag info into the buildings/houses tags, should i duplicate the data or leave it as is?

Thanks Achille

asked 31 Jul '20, 16:46

sandwitche's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Moien Achille,

The Luxembourg community has generally done two things:

  • Split the polygons along the building outlines, with the help of the roof outlines and/or the Cadastre. See Avenue de la Gare for example
  • Include all the address points in one big way, like here.

Both are correct. The first one is a little bit more work, but it provides more information.

However, if you add an address like on, can you please always add the street and city?

Happy mapping,


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answered 31 Jul '20, 20:10

Stereo's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

There's no single correct answer. I believe there are some regions in Europe where there's a strong preference to have addresses on separate nodes, even if that address applies to the entire building in which it's placed. However, there are also other areas where people prefer to put the address tags on the building. You'll need to look around your country to get a sense of how things are generally done.

That being said, in this case, there are two addresses inside the one building. In such cases where there are multiple addresses in one building, the general consensus is to have separate nodes for each address and have no address tags on the building. An exception to this could be if the majority of the building is one address with only a small portion having a different address, at which point you could put the main address on the building and keep the small one as a separate node. An example of this exception could be a tall apartment building with one address, with a small shop on the ground floor with a different address.

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answered 31 Jul '20, 17:48

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 31 Jul '20, 16:46

question was seen: 1,595 times

last updated: 31 Jul '20, 20:10

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