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In the US state of Florida, every county has an Emergency Operations Center. The state has one in Tallahassee. It is a public building, that has responsibility for emergency management. Some may also manage the EMS services. When a hurricane is declared, the EMS is manned 24/7. I suspect that other states may have similar facilities. In some counties it may be colocated with a EMS station, or other public safety facility, but that is not a requirement.

How did I tag this ?

asked 23 Jul '20, 19:07

NitaRae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Do all of these facilities have teams that interact directly with the public or are some of them purely internal to the government?

(23 Jul '20, 19:40) InsertUser

I believe both, they are there to respond to the public during an emergency, and to interface with the county leadership and public safety departments. They are, during a declared emergency situation, a nexus of sorts (for lack of a better term).

They also, at the county level, interface with the state level EOC.

(23 Jul '20, 20:18) NitaRae

for the moment, unless a better alternative exists, I will use building=government and government=emergency. The latter value does not appear to have a specific meaning defined.

(23 Jul '20, 21:13) NitaRae

For the EMS portion emergency=ambulance_station may be appropriate either on the ambulance area itself or on a node in the correct place in the facility.

There has been one use of emergency=disaster_response, oddly while the picture on the wiki stub is Australian, this use was in Russia.

As you mentioned there is also office=government + government=emergency (used 36 times) but it doesn't appear to have any real documentation as it's one appearance in the wiki is in an auto-generated table.

permanent link

answered 24 Jul '20, 12:14

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

That is how I tagged it. I considered government=emergency_operations, but that would have gone deeper into uncharted territory. There are about 5 such EOC facilities that I will be tagging over the next week.

(24 Jul '20, 13:00) NitaRae

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question asked: 23 Jul '20, 19:07

question was seen: 1,101 times

last updated: 24 Jul '20, 13:00

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